The first is for my grand daughter. Cheyenne was born 2 1/2 months ago on October 17th.

Just a couple weeks after she was born she had what appeared to be a stye starting on her eye. It was checked out a couple of times, but has continued to grow. Here's what it looks like today.
Yesterday Cheyenne was seen by a specialist at Chicago Children's hospital. They originally thought this was a hemangioma but those are usually 'spongy' and this has mass to it. An MRI was done last night and it was found she has a high-contrast mass that involves the entire socket and goes behind the eye. Her eye is being compressed. Monday she'll be having a biopsy done which for her, given the very vascular structure of the mass and her tiny size, is very high risk. Please keep Cheyenne, my son Rob and his wife Heather in your prayers. Not only is this very worrisome, but they are not close to home and have two other little ones at home they are juggling as well as pets.
And for our our next prayer request. On February 2nd Axel has an appointment to meet with his surgeon in Philly to find out what we're going to do with his neck. I have to take Asher along on this trip since it's just too soon to be leaving him with someone else. Shriner's pays for both Axel and I, but we pay for Asher's ticket. The tickets for Axel and I are already booked, but we can't find a ticket for Asher under $800! It is insane to pay $800 for this ticket. Our other option is to use Delta SkyMiles. I currently have 13,856 miles, but the flight needs 33,000 miles. If anyone is willing to contribute miles, please let me know. I have NO idea how to do that or how it works, but I can certainly find out!
Ok, I think that about covers the prayer requests for this week!
OH NO! Praying hard here
AND I have no skymiles or would gladly donate them to you....
Leah, please keep me posted about your granddaughter. My dad knows many pediatric ophthalmologists in Boston and they're the best. It's weird... my dad is visiting and we were discussing pediatric eye cancer this afternoon. Praying that Cheyenne's issues are minor. But if not... be in touch.
Saying lots of prayers for you and your family. I pray for results that are easy to handle and easy to deal with. Your granddaughter is beautiful!
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