Blogging about life in Minnesota, raising our six kids with Down syndrome while battling Breast Cancer.

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "Oh shit! She's up!"

Monday, January 25, 2016

Its time for a change of scenery

We love Children's Hospital St. Paul . The staff has been nothing less than wonderful, the nurses caring and compassionate. We love this place, and Angela loves the staff. We're here often enough that the nurses all know Angela, and whenever she is admitted they made sure the new nurses are paired with familiar nurses as they get to know the very subtle changes Angela displays when she's not doing well or declining. I feel comfortable leaving her to go home at night and know Angela is safe, and the nurses call me with any questions they might come up. In addition, all the staff here: doctors, nurses...everyone...respects my opinion as Angela's parent and truly treats me as part of the team.

Sadly, Angela's very complicated liver is beyond the scope of care that Children's Hospital St. Paul is able to offer. They are sending us on to the University of Minnesota Liver Center. Angela will be moved sometime today or tomorrow, as soon as they have a bed ready for her. I don't yet know if she'll be in the pediatric hospital or the adult hospital. The staff here has made it clear to the U of M the Pediatric hospital would be most appropriate.

Once at the UofM there are more tests arranged, that are more invasive that what she's had done so far. Angela is just excited she gets another ambulance ride. 

1 comment:

eliz said...

(((HUGS))) and prayers
We are being sent to the U of M more often than Children's now for our kids.