In a couple weeks I'll be leaving on my "Epic Journey". This trip was actually started by my friend Tink, a fellow
SIS rider who has a big birthday coming up, and is kind of doing it as one of those milestones in life kind of things. We decided to make it a group venture, each of us making the trip for our own personal reasons.
My reason? There are many....
1) Because I'm a big girl, and I can.
2) Because Dean says I can.
3) Because Angela has a dad who can take his time with his daughter and I can let my mom-guard down a little bit.
4) Because I want to take a big trip, but Dean doesn't want to.
5) Because I want to do something fun with a bunch of women I've never met before, only talked to online.
6) Because, much to the frustration of some of my extended family members, I'm kind of into taking risks right now.
7) Because I want to be able to say, "I did it!" when I tell my grandkids what their crazy grandmother did when she turned 41.
8) Because I can't walk away from a challenge.
9) Because it's something none of my friends have done, and I've always had a need to be "different".
10) Because I suddenly have this strange independent streak flowing through me. Well, I think it's always been there, but I seem to act on it more in the past couple of years.
11) Because I never want to look back on my life and have to say, "I wish I didn't pass up the chance to do that."
For reasons of security (this IS a group of women traveling!) I can't post the map of our route. I want to though, so I'll post it as soon as we get back! In the meantime, if you could say a couple prayers for me. The first, and most obvious, is for my health and safety, as well as for the other women in the group.
Secondly, finances are definitely an issue at the moment. There is money that is SUPPOSED to come in, and is owed to me, but the source is unreliable. I have no way of knowing if it's coming today, next week, or a year from now. If the money doesn't come in, I'll have to cancel my trip.
Prayers for Angela who will be with her dad, in his semi. You may remember
the last time she went for a week in the truck. It's been very hard for me to say yes to her going again. But her safety is not the only issue. The other is her health, which is kind of in limbo at the moment. Unfortunately her dad isn't very well...ummm...well he can't handle most of the stuff that gets thrown her way. (and omg...what if she got her period for the first time while she was with him? That is both funny and scary at the same time!)
Prayers for Dean as well. He'll have some time with his brother, and lots of time with the 3 dogs. I hope he doesn't get lonely for me, but I hope he misses me! He needs to stay safe in the fishing boat, AND on the road!
Well, that about does it I guess. Oh, if you're REALLY curious where I'll be going, look at a map, and draw a big circle ALL THE WAY AROUND Lake Superior, including up into Canada!