Blogging about life in Minnesota, raising our six kids with Down syndrome while battling Breast Cancer.

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "Oh shit! She's up!"

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Today's randomness

Angela is back to school, but she's having to do nebulizer treatments twice a day at school, plus the ones she does at home. This is a very bad year for her asthma! Her lungs still haven't settled down from her hospital stay.

A couple weeks ago, whenever someone came to the door, Asher started making this funny noise. It took us a couple times to realize he's barking like the dogs. Dudley is his favorite dog and he often comes running into the room just to hug on Dudley a bit. I think because Dudley doesn't tell him no like the rest of us do. (because these are not "love" hugs, these are "I need to squeeze the living daylights out of something!" hugs.)  Now whenever Dudley yawns, Asher imitates him with a big, exaggerated, tongue sticking out yawn. LOL

Axel was just eating breakfast. He's very concerned about the whole bussing schedule in the mornings because, well he just is. He just told me, (in sign)  "Mom. Bus comes. Stop. Axel on the bus. Bus drives away." 


Axel is going through  learning explosion. Suddenly he understands the concept of adding. His counting isn't consistent so he doesn't end up with the right answer, but he understands the basic adding concept. He is also learning to tell time to the hour, and reading sight words. I can't wait for him to see his old social workers in Serbia and show him off a bit! 


Asher is also in a little learning leap! Now in the mornings when we're waiting for the bus  he says, "Buh Buh!" for bus. When Dean comes home from work Asher comes running to tell me (in sign) "Daddy! Daddy!" Just now he finished eating breakfast and came to tell me "Ba Ba!" while signing bath. He went running to the bathroom when I told him to go take his clothes off. Oh how this child loves water! Before I could make it to the bathroom he was hollering "Ma Ma Ma!" When I got in there he was sitting naked in the bathtub waiting for me. LOL

Angela was very excited to be back to floor hockey! She missed two weeks of practice. Last night was her first game (and first day back to hockey!) and she did great. She was pretty wheezy afterward though. I cannot wait for spring and I think Angela agrees with me. 

In school Angela's broadcasting class just finished producing a PSA about the R-word. I think the plan is for it to air in her school in March for Spread the Word to End the Word

I hope you have a wonderful day! Mine promises to be busy busy busy! Oh, guess what? I filed my taxes at midnight on January 31st! Do I win the early filing award?


Kathy said...

love hearing about all your lovelies. I filed a few weeks ago and got our refund on 2/1. I think I get the award. :o)

Leah Spring said...

Oh wow! You ARE fast! Our state won't accept ours until Jan 31st so we have to wait until then to file.

Kathie Brinkman said...

I love all those updates. So fabulous to here all the great progress blossoming in your family. you are a wonder ma'am.