2010 in Pictures
In January Angela had her very first season in floor hockey. She LOVED it!
And Connecting the Rainbow was formed, which meant collecting all the donated supplies for Bulgaria.
In March we spent a lot of time preventing cabin fever as we waited for warmer weather.
We didn't know it yet, but April was the month that would change our lives forever.
These boots would see places I'd never dreamed of.
I loaded up all my things, plus two hundred pounds of donated supplies, and headed for Serbia and Bulgaria!
I met the most amazing children there! EVERY ONE of these children is coming home soon, or is already HOME with their forever family!!!!
I saw places rich with historical importance.
And in April I met Axel for the very first time.
I got to experience wonderful moments.
Learn what happens when there are language barriers
And make friends for life.
May brought a tooth extraction for Angela
And a lot of lay'in around!
June brought the birth of baby Earl (son of Dean's nephew)
June also brought Angela's 14th birthday...
And of course party tricks!
In June Angela went to camp. Twice.
In July we went north to my parent's home for my sister Sandie's wedding.

And Dean worked on getting the house painted. (it's December...it's still not done.)
In July, Angela's oldest brother Rob and his family came to visit.
And some of us just tried to be cool!
I August I had my 25 year class reunion. Really? TWENTY FIVE YEARS?

Angela played some guitar
And Bella came to our house to wait the arrival of her babies.
September was all about exercises in patience
And watching the puppies grow, which is also all about patience!
In October we watched the puppies grow some more.
Angela had her area bowling tournament...
Where she won another ribbon (and a gold at state!)
I also put our Dossier in the mail to Axel's country!
The last week of October Bella's puppies went home to their new families.
November was all about getting ready for Axel to come home!
And last, but not least, December brought me to Serbia to complete our adoption of Axel.

Meeting Papa and Angela for the very first time!