Blogging about life in Minnesota, raising our six kids with Down syndrome while battling Breast Cancer.

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "Oh shit! She's up!"

Monday, May 23, 2016

We did it!

We completed the move, and it was as smooth as moves can be, I guess! Several amazing people came to help out, and we could not be more thankful. I honestly don't know what we would have done without them. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! Also some good friends who took 5 of the kids for the entire day Saturday so we could move without tripping over kids. They even made us an amazing dinner so we could refuel afterward. We have some pretty amazing friends.

The house is everything I've been dreaming it would be the last couple of months. We are absolutely over the moon to be in this space. So much more room to spread out, an AMAZING  yard for the kids, and a beautiful neighborhood. Several neighbors have come to introduce themselves, and we're also now living in the same neighborhood as several other families who have kids with a variety of special needs.

So far we've only lost one dog - twice, and one kid - also twice. The dogs are now in training for the invisible fence, and installation for the kid fence begins tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have bald patches on my head before its completed.

Do to some kind of communication error, we have no internet access at home until Friday so I'm currently sitting in my rental car at Starbucks. Rental car? Why yes, because the week we moved my new van was re-ended by a teenager on her cell phone, so the van is in for repairs.

And now, I must return home to Boxland, where every few minutes is like Christmas all over again when I find things I forgot we had! 


Cindy said...

I'm so glad the move went well. It sounds like a wonderful place to live!

Tamara said...

Happy for you! Assuming you found the dog and the kid ... twice ... :-) The picture your friend posted of the picnic with your kids - so great to see Angela looking so great!

Silver Cross Stair Lifts said...

Congrats on the new move! It's funny how you mention about things you forgot you have. I remember when I moved I had a nice trip down memory lane while I packed/unpacked.

Silver Cross Stair Lifts