Friday, July 29, 2011


My heart is breaking for the Parker family today. Several months ago they brought home two little girls from Ukraine.  I knew they also had a son, Joshua, who was having some medical problems but I didn't really know what all they were, other than it's complicated! I remember reading that she had two kids sharing a hospital room at one point and my heart broke for the whole family and what they must be enduring as they try to juggle everything. It is hard to have one medically complicated child, they are dealing with two.

My friends, due to progression of Chiari Malformation (among other things) that is no longer treatable, Joshua is on hospice care. Next week, on August 6th, they're having a 5 1/2 birthday party for him. Please go to my friend Lorraine's blog and read about the birthday party. Lets help make Joshua's day the most special of all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I always admire when someone shares and bears someone else's concerns. It's very Christ-like.

    Thankful for the kind of friend you are!

    (Noah's dad)


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!