Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A Stolen Life

I've been trying to make a point of reading more lately. I just finished one of the best books I've read in a long time.

Do you remember her? Kidnapped in June 1991 at the age of 11, and discovered alive in August 2009. This is her story, written by her.

Jaycee is not a professional writer. Her formal education stopped in the 5th grade when she was taken on the way to her bus stop. But don't think her lack of "formal" education affected her ability to learn about herself and the world she was held captive in. For a woman who never had a writing class, she certainly has no trouble helping her reader understand what was an incredibly confusing situation for a young girl, including allowing us to see how a sick mind can easily control an manipulate a child. I am amazed at Jaycee's insight and her ability to make sense of her world. Jaycee's strength and determination to survive have given me a lot to think about as I read her book over the last two days.

For those of my friends who are into animal assisted therapy, you'll love the reunification therapist's use of horses to help Jaycee and the rest of her family learn not only about themselves, but others in the world as well.

An excellent read, with proceeds of the book allowing Jaycee to support herself, and the JAYC Foundation, which "provides support and services to ensure the timely treatment of families that are recovering from abduction and the aftermath of other traumatic experiences."

I'm also interested in Jaycee's pine cones. At the time of her abduction, Jaycee grabbed on to something sticky and pokey. It was a pine cone, which in her book she says was her last connection to freedom and her life before her abduction. Now it represents to her the seed of new beginning.

This makes me think of Axel, and all the other kids adopted out of horrible traumatic situations. Ever since Axel came home I have been trying to think of a theme for his bedroom. I think I just found it.


  1. Me next! Can I borrow it?

  2. LOL Kathie, I have the Kindle version. Sorry!

  3. Sounds like a good read. I should go find it, I have a nook. Be blessed



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