Friday, July 29, 2011

It's COMING!!!!

Do you see it? Over there...on my left sidebar...that green box with a countdown going. See the countdown going? We are SO EXCITED to be getting that darned halo off!!! I've been trying not to complain, but the thing has truly destroyed our summer. There won't be much left of it when Axel's halo does come off, and he'll still be under restrictions, but he will NOT be encased in lambswool anymore, and he WILL be able to get wet!!!! Oh, how I've been waiting to get this boy in the water! How I've waited to see him RUN and PLAY...and get DIRTY like a little boy should.

Not only that, but just 3 days later is his 11th birthday. His first birthday party every. His first birthday with HIS family. The first time he'll have a day that is all about HIM!!!!  I can hardly wait!


  1. What a great way to end my crappy day! Thanks for the lift and congrats to Axel!! Can't wait to see his face when he realizes that burden he's been carrying is gone for good!!

  2. YAY!!!! SO excited for Axel and for you!!! :)

  3. Exciting!!! I bet he's going to be one ecstatic little guy when that thing comes off!

  4. So glad for you! I often wish I could know you personally... and visit. My son, Alvin's b-is the 19th. Alvin is sooooo good with Kallen. Hope the weather holds up so you could enjoy some good days in the pool

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I was so excited too when Brant's halo came off! Just to warn you though, Axel's neck might be a little "rubbery" when it comes off. Brant had to wear a soft collar for about a month after the halo came off because his neck was like jelly. But oh so nice to be able to wear normal shirts again and take a bath and not have a hot and stinky sheep skin on anymore! We will keep Axel in our prayers for a quick and full recovery!


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