Friday, November 01, 2013

Meet the Greens!

I have known Randy and Sheila Green in real life for several years. They don't just live inside my electronic box! They have four kids, including three girls with Down syndrome. They are currently on their way to Serbia to adopt another little girl with DS, who happens to be coming from the same city our Axel and Asher are from! They have just resurrected their blog so everyone can follow along on the next leg of their adoption journey. I know a few Serbian adoptive parents who will be happy to live vicariously through the Green family! Here's a link to their blog. Go have a read and help them welcome their new little girl home! 


  1. YEAH!!! I was so hoping they were going to blog! I've been thinking of them all day and can't wait to see them with their precious angel!

  2. What a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing!

  3. That is so great, I remember seeing her sweet face on RR before the photos were taken off. Do you know if sweet Natalia(protective name on RR) has a family? Her picture stares me in the face every day, if only I was old enough to go get her


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