Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Asher!

Nine years ago today, on the other side of the world, one mother and one father were given news that would devastate their lives. It ripped their hearts to pieces. The young couple was told their first baby was not perfect in the eyes of society. They knew that culturally, they believed they would never be able to raise their baby.

They made the very difficult decision to walk away. 

Even though they made that choice, they continued to visit whenever they could. Two years ago today, as they visited with their son in the institution for his birthday, the mother and father were informed a family all the way on the other side of the world had chosen HIM. For the very reasons his society rejected him, this new family chose him.

Just a few days later I arrived in Belgrade, Serbia to meet Asher for the first time. 

We have spent almost 2 years loving you. 

Every day you make us laugh with your amazing sense of humor. 

Today, I know there is a mother on the other side of the world who is remembering you, and wondering how you are doing in your new life. I pray God gives her comfort. That she can know you are well loved. 
Happy Birthday little man Asher!


  1. Happy Birthday Asher!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Happy birthday, sweet Asher! You are a special little guy.

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    He looks so grown up in that last picture. Happy Birthday, Asher!

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

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  5. Happy birthday :)


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