Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Urgent Prayers Needed!

Axel woke up this morning with a definite change in his motor skills. The best way to describe them is very uncoordinated, and parks kind of...kind of collapsing under him. I just called Dean to tell him what I was seeing, and he said he saw a couple strange things last night.

Something is GOING ON! We've known since Feb. that he is at serious risk of catastrophic spinal cord damage. There is definitely something happening. Please pray! I have a call into his neurosugeon in Philly, and the pediatrician here.


  1. Praying for Axel here too... Please update when you can!

  2. Praying here - for all of you -

  3. Praying, praying, praying!!!!

  4. Dear Lord,please protect Axel and give the doctors wisdom as they treat him, restore him to full function.


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