Thursday, May 12, 2011

Axel Update

So we don't really know what was going on with Axel yesterday. Although he was pretty clumbsy in the morning, by afternoon he was doing a lot better. That's because we had an appointment with the pediatrician and 2:45 and he wanted to make sure his doctor knew I was crazy. He was still tripping once in awhile, but that's about it. But, like we'd been saying all morning, not much they can do about it before Monday when he's scheduled for surgery.

This appointment was actually scheduled a month ago, as a pre-op exam for surgery. Guess what? Since his dental surgery 8 weeks ago he has gained 4 lbs and an inch in height! Amazing what can happen when you get rid of chronic infection.


  1. I hope the weekend is quiet and you don't have anymore strange incidents. :( Glad things are ok for now though!! HOLY MOLY about the weight gain!! Amazing!

  2. So happy for your little man!


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