Sunday, May 01, 2011

Making Contacts

Part of the purpose of this trip is to meet all our new contacts, and make additional ones. Since our plans changed slightly just days before arriving in Belgrade, God planted a little seed in my heart.

Friday morning, just as my friend Kathie came to pick me up, I ran back into the house for a very important piece of paper. It suddenly occurred to me I might need it.

Today, I was able to verify that yes, indeed, I needed that piece of paper. I have the opportunity to meet someone incredibly important this week. As I sat near my friend Mary who was having a conversation on the phone, I sobbed with joy. GOD did this. GOD. Only he could orchestrate it. Only HE could arrange it. Only HE could prepare the hearts.

On Wednesday I'll be able to tell you who.


  1. Cannot wait to hear more!

  2. Can't wait for Wednesday! Praying for even better news than I dare to hope :-)

  3. I am so excited for you, Leah!! You go girl! :)

  4. Oh yes! I want to hear all the details.

  5. I'm praying for what I hope it is!!!! Either way, it must be GREAT! It's so cool that I met another "fighter" for these kids! You and your friends doing this for the orphans and future parents is so GREAT! God bless each of you! Can't wait til Wednesday!


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