Monday, May 02, 2011

Day 2

With the holiday there is not a ton of stuff going on, but that's ok, because it's left me time for other things. Things that were unexpected. Not all things I can discuss yet, but I'll get there.

So I know you're all anxious about the post I made yesterday. It's coming, I promise it's coming. There is so much to do here, and in this world of adoption it is very difficult to know who you can trust and who you cannot. Things have happened here since my adoption, things are happening now. I have angered those who now cannot make money on these children, and they will do anything they can to sabatoge what is happening. And, don't think all these people are only in Serbia! Many are in the U.S. and you who are in the adoption community are talking with them every day.

But God is leading me. Every step of the way he is leading me. Every single day there is someone new. More angels. They angels are everywhere.

On Thursday I'll be headed to Kostanjica (pronounced Koh stan itza ) with a lot of toothbrushes, and attending a conference on special needs. On Friday there is some VERY interesting stuff going on, and Saturday will be ONE of the best days of this entire trip. Saturday.....

I know this post is very cryptic, but it has to be. Again, I no longer trust ANYONE, and for good reason. Those who were supposed to be my hero's during my adoption were anything but. Instead they turned on me, and blamed me for all of it, when in fact, they had just created their own mess.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Follow the Lord Leah! He will show you the way! I am so proud of you! You are changing, not just one, but MANY children's lives forever!

  2. That's awesome! Like Coleen said, follow God...when He moves, HE MOVES, and anything in His way will go with it :) Praying for you every step of the way!!!

  3. I'm praying for you! Ooooh I hope this trip opens doors!

  4. I also cannot tell you how proud we are to know you!!! When I grow up I want to have your courage! hehehe!! I am praying for good news tomorrow. I'm happy to have had some teeny tiny part in your journey by donating a few toothbrushes. I hope your next trip (oh there just has to be more) I can do more somehow. Hang in there!!!!

  5. May God continue to give you boldness where your flesh is weak; may He be your encourager when you feel alone; and may He give you the words to speak for those who can not speak for themselves,

    Bless your journey, Teresa

  6. Keep up the cryptic messages. I'm praying it is the greatest gift possible! :)


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