Friday, February 11, 2011

Voting Time!

Well, you who nominated have gotten my blog into the finalist catagory for the 2011 Reader's Choice Awards for special need's parenting blog!

So if you hop on over here, you can see who the finalists are and you can VOTE!! You can vote once a day, every day, through March 8th. That is MUCH shorter than when I entered that "Worst Cook" contest, and the "Get a contract to blog" contest a few years ago. (Remember that one? I found out just two months before voting ended, and everyone else had been soliciting votes for a full year, and I STILL made it to 3rd place!) I love all of you, and can't believe you've stuck around long enough to have to suffer through another contest. LOL

There is no prize to win this one, other than getting the honor of putting the very cool logo in my sidebar, which happens to be enough of a prize for me! Thanks for nominating me, and have fun at the polls!


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!