Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sticking it Out

Now that Axel knows how to count to 10, this week he and I have been working a lot on counting objects. You know, 1:1 correspondence stuff.

Let me preface this by saying that Axel does not have any issue at all with physical HUMAN touch. We know he doesn't like to touch things like playdough, which makes him gag, but he is fine with people touching him. Keep reading....

Axel will work for me for 25 minutes or 3. There's no telling what the variable is, really, but when he's done. HE'S DONE. He will freeze, or his eyes glaze over and he just suddenly acts like he doesn't understand a thing you're saying. Only he does, because it's an activity he's done indepedently for days in a row. What he WANTS is for me to completely leave him alone and let him do whatever he wants. All day long. No expectations to LEARN anything. That's what his whole life has been...just sitting...doing pretty much what he wants when he wants. He will do physical tasks, like making beds or folding clothes, with gusto. He loves those activities. But activities that require him to THINK? Yeah, not quite so willing.

For the past few days, when he was doing the freeze thing on me, I was sending him to the time-out spot for a minute, then calling him back to the table. Then HE, being the brilliant boy he his, made a discovery of his own. A couple of times when he was sent to the spot, he cried, and he was VERY QUICK to figure out that I wouldn't bring him back to the table until he was done crying.

What do you suppose he decided to do with that information?

Yep...cry....and cry....and cry...a rhythmic, no tears included, 100% FAKE cry.

Little turkey.

So today I had a different plan. He was going to work weather he "froze" or not. I would hand-over-hand help him when he did the freeze, that's all. I would keep my voice happy and light while he did his thing.

Well, as soon as he realized I was going to make him work through the freeze cry he started crying because he didn't like THAT, but within a few minutes reverted to the fake cry. You know, maybe I'd stop making him do the work?

I don't think so.

We worked through the fake cry, with no response from me so then he tried a new trick.


He hung his mouth open and DROOLED all over everything! Our activity was counting fish crackers, and the paper we were moving them onto, along with all the fish, were soon covered in drool. And since I kept on working, he started crying his very mad cry, which increased the drooling. Keep in mind he was also wearing his brace, so the brace and pads on it were soon soaked.

I didn't acknowlege any of his trial and error behaviors. Not one. And he was getting REALLY mad. Imagine a two year old throwing a foot-stomping tantrum. Yep, that's what he did, except for he was banging his legs against the chair. All the grunts and whines you would hear with a toddler tantrum included.

When I gave NO reaction to this, only making my voice even HAPPIER as I continued to move his hand to do the work...oh...he was NOT a happy boy.

That's when he started gagging.

No crying, just gagging.

I *almost* caved when the gagging started.


Instead I kept my voice happy and cheerful, as I continued to hand-over-hand guide him through the excercise.

He gagged 7 or 8 trying not to flinch each time... before he finally gave up his game. Mom seemed to be having FUN with this activity, maybe he'd give it a try.

He finally started talking, and signing the numbers instead of me putting his hand into the right shape, and within just a few more minutes he was doing the activity independently with very little help from me. Each thing he did independently got him the high 5's he loves, and "Whoo hoo!"s and all the other little celebratory things we know he likes.

I'm guessing we'll have to go through this routine a few more times before it's no longer an issues.

And I have another prediction to make. That we'll have regression tonight in the area of bedwetting (post to follow on that!) because whenever he makes progress in one area, he regresses in another. Something that is very common among all kids, not just those newly adopted.

Even through this was HARD for me, I'm proud of myself, because I didn't loose my patience, (I prayed LOTS all the way through it!) and we had a breakthrough. One breakthrough today means one step closer to another one. I'm even more proud of Axel. He is discovering he has a mind of his own and can make choices, something that is very new for him!


  1. WTG, Mama! That was a rough session and you were great! Have you found any research centering on adopted kiddos with ESL and speech issues? I've been looking and have found ESL and speech issues but not adoption from Eurasian orphanages added into the equation.

    BTW, have you mentioned what your in school for?

  2. Oh my!! What perseverence! He's pretty tricky! I have a "drooler". I just love when the drool shows up, not! Everyone else runs from the drool, but not me. I sure wish I could!!

  3. I haven't found ANYTHING about adopted kids with ESL/speech issues. School wasn't even sure which language to assess him with, so they did non-verbal testing. (he did great! That's supposed to be good, right?) And, I'm in school for sonography (ultrasound) tech.

  4. He's got expressive and receptive. It sounds like he does well with pragmatics. Yes, that nonverbal testing is good. I am still slogging through my ASHA subscription with access to all the scholarly journals. There might not be a study but surely something has been documented somewhere. It would depend on interaction within the first six years (critical) to understand how well his listening and verbal skills are. Still no word on audio neuropathy? Keep in mind, you are the end all and be all on where and how he is educated. FAPE and LRE. Of course it is nebulous on how IDEA and NCLB are interpreted by each state. When do you sit down for his IEP?

  5. Oh...sroll down to the MRI post! ABR ruled out Auditory Neuropathy. He hears perfect. School placement would have been easier if he didn't! Sad, isn't it? His assessment is due..mmm..March 4th I think is 30 days. Of course, that'll be about the time we're sitting in Philly having surgery. So for now since he's getting the halo he'll be on homebound services until that comes off, which puts us to August anyway. This timing is very frustrating to me, but...whatdya do? The good thing is he'll have been home 8 months by then, school staff will have worked with him, and we'll all have a little better idea about placement.


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