Saturday, October 02, 2010

When did this happen?

When did this happen? When did my little girl, the one who was born a premie, with more medical problems than we could keep track of, who we were told would probably never walk, never talk, and never amount to much...when did she grow up? If you are a  new parent, who have just been told your new baby, or the baby you're carrying has Down syndrome, and you have been told the same things we were, DON'T LISTEN TO "THEM". Listen to your heart! Love your child just as you have or will love your other children!

Today, I'm taking my beautiful young lady to a fall festival, where she'll spend the day with her friends.  Without me.


  1. She is beautiful. Still loves her stripes it looks like and very trendy too :) Love those boots!

  2. My girly also adores stripes! She is gorgeous, ever so chic!

  3. She is gorgeous! Love her outfit. I want those boots :)

  4. wandered over from unringing the bell......Can I just tell you that this picture and post took my breath away and caused instant tears?! A comment from a "well meaning person" Im sure has been lingering around in my mind wreaking havok and this post, this picture just made it all feel better. I cant wait to read more about your beautiful daughter. ;)

  5. Anonymous6:24 PM


    I remember when I met you on DownSyn about three or four years ago how much I loved loved your sweet little Angela and her precious baby face, she still looked like such a little girl. These photos are amazing, she is beautiful and so grown up. (hug) her for me :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!