Wednesday, September 29, 2010

31 for 21

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It's that time of year again! October is Down syndrome awareness month, and that means it's time once again for the 31 for 21 challenge! You know, where I'm supposed to blog every day in the month of October! I think last year I skipped two days. The two years prior I not only made it, but posted extra! LOL This year will be a challenge for sure! With several blogs going, and most of my blogging attention going to my adoption blog, it's hard to find time for blogging everywhere so my Garden has been neglected lately. Well...that and life off the computer has a way of happening too! So I've made my commitment, and that's the best I can do! goes! Also, if DS is not something you're familiar with, please ask questions! If you'd like to join the challenge, grab the button and follow the link!

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