Thursday, July 31, 2008

Contradictions, Lies and Whining

There are very few people in the world who I don't have sympathy for. They are the ones who constantly lie. It's funny in the world of internet forums that some people just can't put time lines together. When they lie (or tell 1/2 truths) one day then post something in addition, or in contradiction to it just days later makes the 500+ other people reading them shake their heads in disbelief.

But, on some forums you're not allowed to call someone out on it either. It's called "not being nice". Sometimes it'll just get a post deleted, but if you're REALLY not nice it can get you booted from a forum.

Several people have asked me about a post of mine that was recently deleted in response to such a thread. I'm a little irked that it was pulled, to be honest. If a person is going to publicly lie and contradict themselves then they should be prepared to be called on the carpet for it, especially when they're now whining because life isn't going as they planned and things are tough. Yeah, finances are tough for everyone right now. I don't know one person that hasn't been affected. Most of us are just suffering no matter what we do, while others just plain do stupid stuff to make it worse for themselves. When you play grown up games, and make grown up decisions, you have to suffer the grown up consequences. Pull up your big kid underwear and deal with it.


  1. sigh....Do I know who you are talking about? LOL I think I saw the post this morning. What happened?!

  2. If you have a problem with the lying, PM the person and leave the drama off the boards. If you are worried about someone "falling" for the lies, PM them too if you want, PM the entire member list BUT leave it off the board because newbies and lurkers don't need to see our dirty laundry.
    I love ya Leah and I know where your heart is, we all do! Its not that we don't get a kick out of your honesty, we do! We just have to make sure this stuff stays off.

  3. I didn't delete your post to be mean!! You know how I feel about the person in question but it still didn't need to be public. A PM to her would of done the same!! I asked 2 other Mods before I removed it and they told me that I needed to. Sorry you are mad about this and I seem to be the brunt of your anger.. Never was my intention. Everyone knows all about her lies and if they don't give it time they will..

  4. I'm on vacation, so, What the Heck Did I Miss Today? ---Jen (ChoseSophie)

  5. Ugh. I agree that she's totally lying... but honestly, we've called her out on it SO many times... on the board, in PM, in IM and STILL she continues to go on with the same old crap. Fortunately I think everyone is aware... most people anyway. We were just trying to avoid an all out board war and keep the peace. Don't be upset. I do hope you sent it to her in PM though so SHE knows that no one's buying it!

  6. I hate that I'm so my curiosity is going crazy!!

  7. I figured out the thread and just want to say that anyone that has been on there for any amount of time KNOWS that things don't always add up. It is hard to not call people out publicly, but if it's the person I'm thinking of, it's not necessary because it's incredibly obvious. I think I have only responded to one of her threads (at least recently) and I responded only because my name got thrown in there. That thread got a little hot too. Anyway, there's my $0.02 (because I always have to throw it in there!)


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