Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Butt Bling and Blogging

So, my very good friend Tink, who I joined in her Epic Journey, is learning to blog. She's started by telling the tale of her trip.

A very strange thing happened between Tink and I within our first 24 hours together on the journey. We realized we were twins, separated at birth who look nothing alike. I can honestly say this is the strangest thing I've ever had happen with another person. Poor Bev and Scharlett...there were many times Tink and I were bent over in hyperventilating laughter but neither of them knew why. Really, Tink and I probably didn't either. But you see, we didn't always have to talk to know what we were laughing about because we have the same thought patterns, we just KNEW! Then there was the fact we have the same hand gestures and would often accidentally smack each other as we were doing them at the same time.

So today Tink posted on her blog about meeting me for the first time. Her description is so accurate. Just the memories of what she describes...while they may not seem funny to you the reader... bring to me visions that cause me to laugh in my office chair.

Go have a read. Oh, you'll also find out how I got my new biker name. LOL

Oh, about the Butt Bling. Tink has done an amazing job on her bike, having bedazzled it with Swarovski crystals that make it twinkly in the sunlight. She's turned this into a business, and the stuff she's doing makes me drool and want to do it to my bike. (only I'm not positive I'll be keeping this bike so I'm hesitant to do that much cusomizing.) I like to call it "Butt Bling".

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