Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Try it Tuesday

Don't forget today is "Try it Tuesday", a day when you need to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. A new flavor at Starbucks perhaps, instead of your usual? Rock climbing? A new route home to/from work? Burger King instead of McDonalds? Taking a nap at 2:00 instead of 2:30? No nap at all? (Sorry, I'm focused on sleep today.) I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I thought about ballroom dancing but I can't find a lesson for today. If I call and find out how much it cost that would almost count.

So late last night I was hanging out online when I heard heavy breathing behind me. Then a voice, "Mom, I can't sleep."

I turned around to find this. Gee, I wonder why she couldn't sleep?
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  1. Great picture. I think for "try it Tuesday" I'll take up skateboarding. Wait... I already did that. (I like your new look of your blog, by the way.)

  2. Thank Tom. My friend Rebecca (just a little bit) did it for me. She's so smart!

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Ha-ha-ha-ha...I got a good laugh out of the picture because Hope does the same thing. "I can't sleep", so I go put her to bed and she has like a teddy garden growing on her bed...gee wonder why. Ha-ha-thanx for the laugh.

  4. Ignore my PM on downsyn...i am having a problem with the pop up boxes....duh!

    Just wanted to remind you how much I LOVE this picture, it cracks me up! I Will be saving it to favorites for when I am down in the dumps, I am sure that pic will cheer me up!

  5. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Oh "smart" am I? I love it!!!!


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