Tomorrow is Wear it Wednesday. In Honor of Down Syndrome awareness month you could wear blue/yellow. Make yourself a ribbon and people will ask you what it's for. Tell them about DS. Explain that over 90% of babies with DS who are detected prenatally are terminated. (Does the term Genocide come to mind?) If you're a parent of a child who has DS tell them how you've changed for the better because of your child. Tell them.
If you have another cause, consider wearing something that represents it. Here's a couple examples of what's being recognized this month. Click here for a complete list.
October is...
"Talk About Prescriptions Month"
National Council on Patient Information and Education
"Eye Injury Prevention Month"
American Academy of Ophthalmology
"Halloween Safety Month"
Prevent Blindness America
"Healthy Lung Month"
American Lung Association
"Let's Talk Month"
Advocates for Youth
"Lupus Awareness Month"
Lupus Foundation of America, Inc.
"National Celiac Disease Awareness Month"
Celiac Sprue Association
wear it Wednesday, I will have to wear my buddy walk t-shirt, thanks for the reminder :)