Monday, October 08, 2007

Keeping up!

It's hard to keep up to the "blog a day" thing when you go out of town! There are no wi-fi hotspots up in the north woods of Minnesota. LOL

Dean and I had a really nice weekend. Angela went to her dad's so we took all 3 dogs up to a relatives property that backs up to Itasca State Park. 400 acres with a private lake and miles and miles of trails. We caught our limit (40) of Jumbo perch. Couldn't even put your line in the water without getting a bite! PERFECT!

We were also able to stop in and check on my dad who is SUPPOSED to be off his feet to let his fractured tibia heal, but clearly isn't able to follow doctor's orders! When Mom comes home from Kenya he's gonna be in trouble.

This afternoon I'm taking Angela to get her hair cut for tomorrow's school pictures, then to the hospital to pick her her new orthodics, THEN to get some new shoes to fit the orthodics. Yes, we're STILL trying to recover from the semi fire back in August, but I think the orthodics are the last thing on the list, other than recovering the actual money lost. I'm loosing hope that I'll ever see it.

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