Monday, October 08, 2007

I'll Have a Green Mowhawk

For several weeks I've been contemplating what to do with Angela's hair. School pictures are tomorrow so I decided I better get this done! I really wanted to go super-short into a shaggy pixie cut, but decided I'd better not.

She needed something that would be easy for her to care for, as she can comb it, but she can't pull it back by herself. She also needed to be able to keep it out of her food!!! I'm tired of lunch coming home in her hair, and I don't think it's fair to school staff to have to deal with the hair. They have enough to do. And again, independence is getting to be more and more my focus these days.

For those who don't know Angela, here are some interesting facts about her. Angela is not thoughtful or introspective. Angela does not take her time in any way/shape/form with anything. Angela is spontaneous, humorous, just NEVER KNOW what's going to come out of her mouth!

So we walk into the kids hair place, and while I'm looking at the hair books Angela hops up into the chair. The girl who's going to do her hair says, "So, what are we going to do with you today?"

Angela replies with, "Ummm....I'll have a green mowhawk please!"

I look up just in time to see the stylist look at me with a "She doesn't REALLY get to do that, does she?"

Now, I know I've been talking about independence, making decisions for herself, and all kinds of really honorable sounding stuff, but I'm mowhawks aren't gonna fly! I made a face to the stylist that said, " ARE YOU CRAZY?" and told her to just do a simple wedge.

So here's Angela's new do. Too bad she couldn't have the mowhawk!
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  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Hi Leah, I am Adam's mom have met you many :)times, latest this spring/summer at s.o. Angela stole my hubbys heart at the blessing of the bikes, he still talks about her :) I found this a few days ago and actually meant to call you! since that didn't happen thought I'd leave a comment. Your a great writer having fun reading!! And we are huge Angela fans here. She actually reminds me A LOT of my little guy...he would sooooo want a mo hawk if we would let him :) He actually had tears one day because I said he could not change his hair color to black so he could look more like sanjayi (spelled that sooo wrong) from american Idol. Well just wanted to say hi, give Angela a hug from us!!! Monica

  2. Those crossed arms in the second picture seem to say, "I asked for a green mohawk!" Probably for the best.


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