Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dear Blog,

Dear Blog,

Do you remember me? We've really been strangers the last couple of years, haven't we? A short visit here and there, coffee in hand, then off I go again.

I can't tell you what made us grow apart. Maybe it was our busy life? I mean, that would be totally expected given we have 6 active kids in the house, right? I'm pretty sure most of the reason is related to chemo brain, and my own inability to keep my thoughts organized, or to even keep the thoughts at all since my attention span is exactly zero now.

Don't think I haven't thought of you often! Oh yes, I have 50 or so blog posts in draft form. Yes, I came to visit but couldn't quite make it through the door to talk to you. I have had plenty of stories to bring you, I just can't seem to get them into written form. I try. I fail. I walk away.

I miss you, my blog friend. I miss pouring my heart out to you. I miss telling you the adventures of our kids, and our family. I miss telling you about the milestones that have happened, and there have been many!

As 2017 comes to an end, I want us to try again. Will you take me back? I can't promise I'll be perfect, but I'm going to try my best. 


  1. I've missed your blog, and still check several times a week! So good to hear from you!

  2. Miss your stories too!

  3. I don't comment much, but I read and enjoy all your posts! Typing is hard (my disability keeps progressing) so I'll probably keep not commenting much but I'm out here thinking you and your family are totally awesome :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!