Saturday, December 16, 2017

Dear Blog: March 2017

Dear Blog,
March was a really busy month for us. Sooo many things! Here are just a few of the highlights:

The first big event was for this guy. He received his first new knee! 

Just as Dean was being wheeled into surgery, I got a call from Angela's school. She told them "My ammonia is too high. I need to go to the hospital."
Umm what? We fixed her liver already! But there was that aspiration pneumonia back in Feb. 
So much to the annoyance of Dean's surgeon, I left that hospital, drove to Angela's school, picked her up to bring to the UofM Children's hospital, where we discovered she was right! Her ammonia was elevated. WHY???? Why when we had already fixed her liver? I brought her home where
a friend met me to stay with her, and I was back to Dean's hospital just as he was being moved from recovery to a room. WHEW! Still...we were going to need to investigate this ammonia business. 

Last month I got my Sous Vide. I started eating steak 
almost daily. LOL Let me tell you, these are THE MOST AMAZING steaks! 

My dear friend, and author, Barb Althoff published a sign language book last year.
She was getting ready to publish the second and had several of
her former students help with the photo dictionary at
the back of the book. In this pic, Axel is signing "calendar". 

Working on our scrabble wall. 
Since I am queen of unfinished projects, I'm hoping
to have it completed by February 2018. ;-) 

Angela, back in the hospital to discover the reason for her high ammonia. 
It was discovered the patch put in 11 months before had opened a bit, 
allowing too much blood to escape from her liver. That means it couldn't get
filtered correctly, causing her ammonia to go up again. From here we 
scheduled another repair that would happen a few weeks out.

Dean and his twin brother Dave 
celebrated 60 years on this earth! 

Some days the hallway time-out spot was 
a  high traffic area. 

That medication distribution system
that I put together last month? Done! 
It is the most organized cabinet in the house. 

Kat is always nearby to keep my company.

See! Always close. 

Angel and Axel attended a performance
by Highland Friendship Club members. Just above
Angela's head is our good friend Katie, who was 
in the performance. 

I joined the rest to world waiting
for April the Giraffe to have her baby. 

March was a busy month. 
Thankfully Audrey was well rested!

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