Sunday, October 30, 2016

Therapy Room Project

When we were looking for a new house, one of the things on our list of "must haves"was space for a therapy room. In our old house we had that space in the basement, but it was tough to find such a space in the houses we were looking at, especially since it also had to have a kitchen that didn't need remodeling. LOL 

Then we found THIS house.  It originally had a two-car garage, but at some point that was made into a workshop, with an additional 3-car garage added to the front. This is what it looked like when we first looked at the house back in March.

When we first saw it, my mind said "Therapy room!" 

Dean's mind said, "Woodshop!"

"Therapy room!"

"Wood shop!"

As summer moved along, thoughts of winter started moving through Dean's head and he remembered what a sanity-saver this space can be for us. First, we had to finish the odd area between the house, which became a mudroom. (I'll do a different post on that space.) Then we were interrupted by the Great Toilet Crime of 2016, which involved a toilet, lots of water, LOTS of damage, and a LOT of stress. It has been a two-month process to get the repairs done, including vacating the house for several days at a time because it just wasn't safe for the kids at some points. In fact, we'll have to vacate one more time while the wood floors are repaired. 

When we were a bit overwhelmed when it was time to start the therapy room. In the realestate pictures it was so nice and organized, then we moved in! LOL Somehow there were a lot of boxes marked "shop", that happened to be full of tools and shop-like things. Ummm sorry honey!

Dean was determined, and got it all cleaned out!

Finally, with lots of late nights of hard work and painting it all came together! 

We have a few pieces left to add, including some shelving to store smaller therapy items and changing the fluorescent lights some recessed LED lights. Last night we had a large family gathering. All the kids LOVED this space!! It was absolutely perfect. 


  1. What a beautiful therapy room! Looks like everyone is enjoying it!

  2. Such a great idea and it turned out so nice! I love the colors and all the equipment.

  3. Love your therapy room idea!! Have followed your family for quite some time but miss update??

  4. Ji hope everything is okay with you and your family. The blog has been awfully quiet.

  5. Yes, hope all is well with you guys. No blog pots for a while now...

  6. This is so cool. Hope you are okay.


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