Monday, March 23, 2015

What do you do when...

What do you do when your prosthetic boob falls out of your bra and onto your feet in the grocery store? Why, pick it up and put it back in of course!

What do you do when there is an itch on the INSIDE of your boob somewhere behind the tissue expander? (seriously, how is this even possible?) You shimmy around a lot trying to shift the tissue expander to scratch the itch, which is like a phantom itch and can't really be scratched.

What do you do when you're trying on a prosthetic sports bra thingy in Nordstroms and you get very stuck in it? You do NOT cry for help! You would take a selfie if you could get to your phone. You do struggle and twist your way out, finally exiting the dressing room sweating profusely. "I'm good for today." you say to the sales lady who's been helping you. (by the look on her face this is not a first-time occurrence.


  1. Seriously should not be trying to drink something while reading this...

  2. LOL!! My sweet Mamma refuses to wear hers. Thank goodness she doesn't have extenders. :o)

  3. I've dropped my Foob in the supermarket at least a couple of times. Got some really funny looks as I was walking around yesterday and got home to find that my Foob had dropped down so it looked like I'd grown one at belly button height!

  4. Hang on to the sense of humor!

  5. I think your awesome that you picked your boob off your shoe and put it back. You are going to have some fascinating storys to tell your girlfriends or for a book some day. You are amazing, keep being you!!

  6. Thank God that you ar still able to walk into Nordstom's to shop. So many are not graced with that privilege.


  8. You are absolutely right Kim. I'm so thankful I still have a life I can find humor in each day.

  9. This made me laugh!


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