Monday, July 14, 2014

Urgent: Hope Scarves

A few weeks ago I posted this picture of Angela and me on Facebook.

Everyone commented on the beautiful scarf I'm wearing in the picture. And really, it truly is a beautiful scarf.

My scarf was sent to me free of charge by Hope Scarves

 Of all the headwear I purchased for myself before I lost my hair, this FREE scarf is the most beautiful! If I am feeling the need to wear something on my head, this is my first choice. Always. And I *always* get compliments on it.

But Hope Scarves didn't *just* send me a scarf! They sent me HOPE! Another breast cancer warrior who has gone before me, who is now a survivor, took the time to write her story and personally choose a scarf for me. It was boxed up and sent, a long with a beautiful handwritten card filled with loving thoughts and the story of the survivor who sent me scarf, along with a direction sheet that included several different ways to tie my new scarf.

Hope scarves gets a lot more referrals and requests for scarves than they are able to satisfy. However, they have the opportunity to win a $5,000 grant from the StyleBlueprint Challenge! Hope Scarves is currently in a VERY CLOSE 2nd place for this grant in a voting contest that ends tomorrow!  Knowing how good I feel in my scarf, and knowing so many more women like me would benefit I have to ask you to vote!

Here is what Hope Scarves can do with $5,000:
- Send 150 scarves and stories to women facing cancer
- Host writing workshops for survivors to help them write their story and reflect on their journey
- Spread the word to more hospitals with promotional packets so more women learn about our FREE head covers and stories of hope. 

I know there are a lot of you reading tonight. You have followed my journey for a long time and you know I don't just post any 'ole contest. Please, if you could take 60 seconds to follow this link to vote. There are only 24 hours left to vote! That means I need each and everyone one of you to actually click the link and vote JUST ONE TIME! Please, if you would do this for me, for others coming behind me, comment here so I can personally thank you for taking the time to support Hope Scarves. CLICK HERE TO VOTE 


  1. Definitely wanted to vote for something as worthy as this. Thanks for sharing about this amazing group. This is one of my favorite places for scarves/scarf tying ideas: (if you need more). I cover because I'm a married Jewish orthodox woman and feel quite pretty in my wrap.

  2. Thank you so much Jamie and Sarah!

  3. I voted! Leah, thank you for sharing about this organization. I'm thinking of having a scarf sent to my friend April. She was just diagnosed w/ breast cancer at age 33 the same week that you were diagnosed. She had a mastectomy and is having her 5th of 8 bi-weekly chemo treatments this Wed. She is a beautiful, strong woman who loves God and is determined to fight! She is married and has 2 little boys.

    I've been following your blog since you adopted Axel, although I don't think I've ever commented. But I have prayed for you and dozens of other adoptive families over the past few years, and I will continue to pray for your healing!

  4. Voted! Hope they win!

  5. Sorry i found your post to late to vote. i just wanted you to know that i thought you look beautiful and radiant in the photo with your lovely Angela.


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!