Monday, June 02, 2014

Learning to Ride

A few months ago I reluctantly listed my bike and sidecar - affectionately named "Nooner & Spank" - for sale in the sidecar community. I was really upset about it, but we needed the money for Audrey's adoption. I had lots of people who were interested but it was a really hard winter here. Every time someone wanted to come take a look we were having record low temperatures. Too cold to be standing around in the garage trying to start a bike that is too cold to start. In the end I never got them sold. I want to think its because God knew I was going to need my bike for a little bit of sanity this summer on the few days I'll be feeling good.

All the kids except Audrey got rides, (she is too small)  but we were most shocked to discover that Abel LOVES to ride! A year ago we couldn't even start the bikes with him around because he would panic. Now? Yeah, we've created a junkie! On his first ride we went several miles and he was in heaven so I decided to make a couple of stops to pick up some things. He was reluctant to get out, and while we were in the store he asked me about 100 times "More motorcycle please!"  Here is Abel, taking his very first ride.

Sadly, Asher does NOT like riding in the sidecar. I think its because he has such low muscle tone that the helmet is just too much for him. We had gone just a few blocks when we stopped at an intersection. I looked down at him and his lip was out and a tear running down his cheek. Poor baby! A couple days later he was asking for the motorcycle but we haven't tried it again. Maybe later this summer.

This year Axel is learning to ride being Dad! This is his first ever ride on the back of the bike. He loved it and rode really well. He'll be going with us lots this summer!


  1. Awesome!! Makes me want to get on my bike but I have become a fair weather rider and we are truly in Winter now. I would love to have a side car. I know Talitha would love to ride with me. I just can't trust her on the back.

  2. Girly, you and Dean should be wearing helmets!!

    Abel looked so excited!!!

  3. Karyn, I am very much a fair weather rider too. Any threat of rain and I'm headed home or just not going at all! Cold I can handle, but not riding in the rain.

    Toni, thank you for your concern over our safety.

  4. Karyn, I am very much a fair weather rider too. Any threat of rain and I'm headed home or just not going at all! Cold I can handle, but not riding in the rain.

    Toni, thank you for your concern over our safety.


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