Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 Word for the Year

Welcome, 2014!

I've been waiting for you to get here. I've wanted to change some things in my life but didn't know where to start. Still, I knew that this year, 2014, was the year. I needed to get to a point in life where I was ready. And here we are!


That is it. That is my word for the year. I need to let go of some things. I need to let go of the opinions of others and do what is right for me, for us, for our family. I need to not be concerned with what people think of us, our children, our lifestyle, our choices. If Dean and I agree upon something, and feel it is where God wants us to go or what He wants us to do...well...then we need to do it. We need to let go and TRUST GOD!

Have you chosen a word for the year? Tell me about it!


  1. Woah! Can't wait to find out what you are trusting G*d with this year!

    Happy New Year,

  2. My phrase would be: WORK HARD. After spending two years home with my child, I really want to dive into business, to be exhausted not from cleaning up the floors but from communicating, taking responsibility, creating.

  3. My 2014 word is TRUST. Believing in myself and learning not to question my decision so much. Those that need questioning will be discerned, but others just need a humongous leap of FAITH!

  4. TRUST. Discerning some things, and taking a huge leap of faith for others.


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