Monday, December 02, 2013

Refusing to communicate

Axel is in a full-immersion ASL program for deaf and hard of hearing kids who have cognitive impairments. He is the only child in the program who is hearing. This is his 3rd year in the program. Using ASL, Axel is able to tell whole stories, using much facial expression and variations of his signs to change their meaning.

At home, Axel refuses to sign. We struggle to get single signs out of him. I often play dumb when he does this, only responding when he finally, begrudgingly, gives the most basic of sentences, "I want more pancakes please." with much drama as if it is a lot of work for him. But oh Axel, I know better.

Tonight Axel headed to their bedroom. As he was going down the hallway, when he thought he was out of my sight, he silently motion for the little boys to follow him.


I slipped on my spy boots, snuck outside and around to their bedroom window.

Axel had wanted to play "School" and needed students! He sat on his bed as the teacher, with the little boys on the floor in front of him as the students. He was signing away.

"Asher. What month? November! Right! It's November. Look! New month! December. D.E.C. (spelling the abbreviation) Look. Count. How many days? 1, 2. Right! Dec 2nd. Today. Today."

I tried to make a video but it was too dark from outside for my camera to pick it up without moving to where I would be discovered. 


  1. Love that you were able to witness this! Sneaky guy! :)

  2. Oh Axel! I love that he has taken his brothers under his wing. That must have been fun to watch.

  3. That is fantastic! Sounds like he is refusing to communicate the way many young children refuse to dress/feed themselves long after they are able to do so -- he wants to be your baby!

  4. Actually, I think it has to do more with control than anything else.


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