Monday, December 09, 2013

Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Axel!

Three years ago,
on December 9th, 2010
in the city of 
Kragujevac, Serbia
Axel and I woke up early in our hotel room. 
We got all dressed up for our big day.

We walked just a few blocks away to the social center. 
There all the papers were waiting or me to sign them.

All the important people were there. (they're the same people who were at Asher's adoption ceremony exactly one year later!) 

You were declared

Axel Djorde 

That done, it was time to go down the street to the police station.
You loved walking with your legal guardian. 

The police station is a HUGE building!

We applied for your new birth certificate,
passport and Certificate of Citizenship. 

We had to wait a long time. 
Mostly because they had to re-write documents several times
Trying to get the right spelling of my name.

Finally it was done! Just nine days and you were officially my son! 

Who would have known how much different our lives would be just three years later? 
Who would have predicted how tall you would grow,
how much you would learn,
how much you loved life?

You're an amazing young man, Axel!
 I am so proud to call you my son!!


  1. Wow - where has the time gone? Axel sure has grown up a lot in three short years! Happy Gotcha Day!

  2. Well this place is looking good. May be it is good for waiting because it is beautiful.

    Diaper Bags

  3. Leah, I haven't met you or your family in real life, but your stories are incredibly inspiring to me. I love hearing about your amazing kids and seeing all of Axel's progress in one post is overwhelming. He (and his brothers) are truly lucky to have such amazing parents as you and Dean.

  4. Thanks for the update, Leah! It's fun watching Axel grow and progress through your blog, along with your other family too!


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