Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Male Bonding

Last weekend Dean and Axel took off for the North Woods to do some much needed male bonding with Uncle Dave (Dean's twin brother) The plan: Catch fish, get dirty, catch fish, eat junk food, catch more fish.

Here are some pictures from their weekend. I think they pretty much speak for themselves!

Going to the boat with a cup just like Papa.
(the first thing I said when I saw this picture, "Honey, did you notice his life jacket is too small?) 

Working hard to bring in his fish!
(Yes he's wearing his life jacket. It's under the sweatshirt.)

This is my favorite picture! It needs a frame and a wall to hang it on.

Axel also caught a couple others when Dean didn't have the camera with him. 

Going home. Do you think he had fun? 


  1. What a great group of pictures Leah! I'd say Axel had a great time!

  2. How fun for Dean and Axel! I agree with you about that pic of Axel with his fish--he looks so proud. His life jacket looks like it would fit better on Asher......he's just growing SO fast!

  3. Loooooove these pics! How fast your boy is becoming a man - it seems like just yesterday you brought home a little boy, and look at him now. These photos are priceless, and I agree - you need to frame that one photo! Just gorgeous :)

  4. You can tell by the smile on his face! What a great weekend!


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