Saturday, February 16, 2013

What Time Is It?

Axel has been working on telling time. He is pretty obsessed with clocks right now. Just last week he was introduced to telling time to the hour. He was really excited to bring home homework!


  1. That was awesome Axel! So cute to see your boys on video. They are so sweet:)

  2. This is amazing Axel! You are a very smart boy!!

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  5. WOW! must call him AMAZING AXEL NOW!

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  7. wonderful. what a smart boy Axel is. how fun it must be to see him grow and thrive!

  8. Great job Axel! That's one thing Beth has struggled with. She still can't tell time on an analog clock. She always uses digital.

  9. Oh my gosh, way to go Axel. I love how meticulous he is with his writing down of the numbers; making his zeros so small and neat in the boxes.

    And wow, just HOW impressive is he with his time telling?! He just glances at the clocks and knows right away. Please tell him how proud your readers are of him!

    It is so lovely to see these videos. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous sons with us. They're both so very beautiful, and so smart to boot! xx


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