Saturday, April 07, 2012

More Serbian Royalty!

Some friends of mine are leaving next week to bring home their Serbian prince. I'm so excited for them! Later I'll be able to post a link to their blog.

Another family, the Lakes, are working on completing their Serbian dossier!  Serbia does not allow online photo listings, so as we did with our adoption of Asher, they are doing a semi-blind referral. That means when they've submitted their dossier they will receive a list of children who meet their criteria, and will make their choice based on that list. There could be one child or 10!

In the meantime, another friend is doing a Scentsy fundraiser for them. Because they're adopting from Serbia, they do not have the benefit of going through any of the popular non-profit organizations to do their fundraising. That means it's more difficult to get the word out about fundraisers and their adoption process in general. Please help spread the word!

There is yet another family working on completing their dossier for Serbia but they aren't posting information about it on their blog yet. Soon...very soon!


  1. Thanks, Leah! Not just for this, but for EVERYTHING! :)

  2. YOU ROCK!!!! Thank you :)


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