Saturday, December 03, 2011

To all our family and friends

Dear friends and family. I have a new favorite blog to read, her name is Jen Hatmaker and she is way smarter than me. She has also adopted a bunch more times than us and knows how to put into words all the things I want to say but can't. If you read NOTHING else online today, please go read this ONE post. Just one, I promise. (but please don't hesitate to click on her link for her"After the Airport" post.) Pretty pretty please, I'm begging you to read it. B.E.G.G.I.N.G. Especially the cooking part. With what we have ahead of us when we get home, (that has nothing to do with Asher!) we're going to really appreciate the cooking part.


  1. That was really good ... so ... don't give up the faith! God's timing is perfect! This is all God's plan!


    Seriously, prayers - for safe travels, strong bonding - and for healing for Axel -


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!