Monday, July 18, 2011


I *really* wanted to get a picture of this, but it would have been cruel to leave the child there to get the camera. It was tempting though.

Axel was playing with his train table. He was just barely out of my sight, but in full sight of Dean. He plays so nice and quiet, that boy!

Then Dean said, "Axel...? What are you doing?"


"Axel...are you stuck?"

A tiny voice said, "Yes." (YAY! A developmental milestone!)..... "GUCK" (stuck)

I went over to investigate. Apparently Axel had dropped one of his favorite booklets under the train table and sat down, and leaned under the table a bit to get it. That's when the bottom edge of the table became wedged between his halo bolts, uprights, and other parts. It took BOTH Dean and I to get him "un-guck".

He was probably there a full 5 minutes before we realized there was a problem. He never made a sound, just accepted the fact he was now trapped and resigned himself to that fate. A couple months ago he got his finger caught in the mechanical parts of a toy. He pinched it pretty bad, but no sound was made. I didn't discover it until I walked by his room, then did a double take when I realized he had an odd look on his face, while holding a toy in his hand. Or was he? Nope, his finger was badly pinched in the trigger of a nerf gun.

Never a sound was made.

So many people have asked how Axel has done accepting the halo. When he woke up with the halo, the look on his face was that of resignation. "Now I have this thing on my head. Oh well." He has never once complained about it. It's kind a sad, really. Axel is too accepting of things. He hasn't yet learned that he can put up a fuss. He can complain. He can express PAIN. He can YELL if he is hurt...or if someone does something mean to him. We know why he is this way. It's learned behavior. It's from years in an institution and having absolutely no choice in anything. From being imprisoned in some fashion or another. The emotional scars speak for themselves. Hopefully someday Axel will learn that he can speak for himself.


  1. Lera is like that...I still have to tell her that she needs to YELL when Caelia takes something of hers or pushes her. She just accepts, it bothers me horribly to think she is quietly suffering. She also will not cry for help if she is scared. The storms woke her the other night and she stayed in her bed quietly crying. As soon as I hear thunder I go down to sit on her bed just in case...Sheila

  2. You know, I think that you are the perfect mom for Axel. If you can't teach him to raise a ruckus who could? :)


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