Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Where's Wal..I mean Leah?

Where am I now? Does this picture give you a good clue?

Yep, having a sleep study done. The last time I did one was about 12 years ago when I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. But a few months ago, someone....ahem...started complaining that I'm snoring a lot. Maybe even enough for someone....ahem...to sleep on the couch occasionally. Between that, and the fact I'm even MORE sleepy than I normally am (which is a LOT thanks to Narcolepsy!) it was time to get restudied. 

I just finished trying out the different masks. OMG...the full mask makes me incredibly claustrophobic! Like I feel like I have to take a deep breath then put it on because I'm going underwater. It's horrible. The tech adjusted the settings a bit and it was a little better. I also tried two different nasal masks, and I liked one better than the other, and also better than the face mask. Still claustrophobic, but not as bad as with the face mask. We won't know if I need one of those until I have a certain number and type of apnea episodes, which there's a chance I may not, right? (I kinda doubt it!)

So here I am. Having a sleep study. Yay me!

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