Special Olympics is more than just running around the track, or throwing the shot put. It is about learning about yourself, learning that "different" doesn't mean can't. It is about 100% acceptance. It is about being around those who TRULY understand you, and who don't care if you walk funny, talk funny, or make unusual noises. It is about celebrating how far you've come. It is about being able to openly laugh in the face of doctors who tried to tell your parents that you never be able to do x, y, or z. It is about hopes, and dreams come true.
For Angela, "loosing" is not part of her vocabulary. For Angela, Special Olympics is all about cheering; cheering for her friends, congratulating her team mates, cheering for herself! Here are just some of the pictures I took during the Minnesota Special Olympics Summer Games.
Lining up for her first event: 50 meter run.
Runners on your mark!
Smiling and laughing. Angela is ALWAYS smiling! She laughs so hard when she's running it slows her down. LOL
And she takes the silver!
She found Madonna, one of her favorite mascots! (from the Minnesota Saints baseball team)
Then she remembered she had a little brother along and included him in the hug. LOL
There was a DJ, which means lots of dancing. Even break dancing. (am I in trouble!)
100 meter run. This was a much bigger division than her previous race.
This is what Angela does when she realizes she made a mistake. She had just stood on the podium to receive an award for an event she didn't compete in. (not her fault, she was told to stand there.)
But she took it all in stride, because really it meant she could get back in line for another go. LOL
Angela can't "just stand still" when in front of a group of people. She always has to be doing SOMETHING while she waits. The spotlight is her friend.
Taking a bow with her 6th place ribbon. Always a bow......Always.
Don't let her fool you. This is fake shy.
Gold medal for standing long jump. Notice she's the only one in her division, which is "6 inches or less". NO....really...she jumps about 6 inches. Does it look like she cares? NOT AT ALL!
We love you Angela. You amaze us. Your ability to get past every hurdle put before you makes you an inspiration to many.
Way to go Angela! I loved all your photos, you look great!!:)