Saturday, June 25, 2011

Problems Commenting?

I've seen a few people around facebook asking "What's up with Blogger? Why can't I comment?" I never had that problem so didn't know anything about it. I guess it has to do with your browser. I'm on a Mac, which is why I haven't had an issue, but if you're running Internet Explorer, you might be having that problem. (which would account for the fact I've hardly had any blog comments lately!)

If you've encountered this problem, and fixed it, can you comment here with details how you fixed it? THANKS!


  1. I have discovered that if someone changes their blog comments settings to "open in a pop-up window" (or something like that), it eliminates that problem for a lot of commenters. Your blog already does that, so I'm not sure about others...

    For the ones that don't open in a pop-out window, there are still a few that I can't comment on at all, but some of the others I can select "Name/URL". It won't show my photo, but at least they'll know who I am.

  2. Yep... same problem that Becca mentioned! :( I don't like the other browsers but I've heard that Firefox and Chrome help with the problem.

  3. Yes...had this problem for a few weeks before I did the research. It keeps trying to sign you as "anonymous" even though you putting in your goggle login. I was able to leave "anonymous" comments if I selected that profile- but some people have it set not to allow these. The fix- when signing in to the goggle account, don't check the little box that says "leave me signed in". I tried it after not being able to comment on many blogs that day- I immediately was able to leave comments. I don't know what the root cause of this problem is because it was something that only changed in the past few weeks; but it's easy enough not to check the box. Blessings, Jennifer


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!