Thursday, June 09, 2011

Moving Up

Today is Angela's very last day as an 8th grader. Today is the 8th grade field trip, which she has waited three full years to be able to attend, and I have heard about it at least 4 days a week since she started 6th grade!

The staff at Angela's school has been amazing! It's going to be tough to say goodbye to them. Each and every one of them holds a special place in Angela's heart, and they know it by the hugs I'm sure they will get from her today.

My girl is growing up! When she gets off the bus today, she will officially be a high school Freshman! I am SO proud of her, and how far she's come in the last three years.

1 comment:

  1. Glad she had great experiences! I think Shawen learned less in three years of middle school than in any one year previously, but ... oh well ... high school will be worse, I'm sure.

    Where did she go on her field trip? Hope she had a great time.

    Love the picture!


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