Friday, June 03, 2011

It's That Time Again!

It's time for the 7th Annual Ride for Wishes! You may remember reading about it here last year. This is one of my favorite rides, for one of my favorite causes, of the entire year! If you're a rider, looking for a benefit ride, this is one of the most well organized rides we to participate in. Angela was a wish recipient four years ago (not sponsored through this ride, but it doesn't matter.) And we just found out not too long ago that Axel will be a wish recipient as well. This year there are two children's wishes sponsored by this ride. You can read about them here.

Angela and I were caught in a few pictures on last year's ride. We're easy to pick out! You're looking for the waaay cool sidecar! See the one right in the foreground of this picture? That's MY ride! Love my "Nooner & Spank"!

Do you see us in the middle of the group?

There is nothing more energizing to me than being right smack dab in the middle of a group of bikes just like this. Riding for a cause.

Here's our group at one of the stops. Right after this it started POURING!!! It isn't super fun to ride in a downpour. No...really it's not.  From left to right: My Sis-in-law Dawn, Me, Dean, Angela in front, my Brother in law Kelley.

Here we are, zipping past the State Capital. Kind of a cool picture.

After the ride and subsequent parade, there is a street dance with several different bands. Angela LOVES this part. This year Axel will get to go hang out and hear the music for awhile too.

Neither of the kids are coming along on the ride this year. Axel for obvious reasons, Angela because she'll be at her dads. But later in the evening they'll go down to the street dance with us, which they'll both enjoy.

So that's our plan for Saturday. What are YOUR plans?

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