Sunday, June 05, 2011

Catching up Pt 1

Going through my phone this morning I realized there are a lot of pictures and videos I haven't posted, I'm going to try to post a couple every day until I'm caught up!

Here's a video of Axel, taken the day before we left for Philadelphia to have his spinal fusion done. It's strange to me now to see videos of him without his halo. Apparently it's strange to him too, because he was watching this and kept pointing to his halo, then the video. I bet he misses that stupid neck brace!

Here we are ( I'm behind the camera as usual!) at Ronald McDonald House waiting for our cab which will take us to Shriner's Hospital in Philadelphia where Axel will be admitted for surgery the next morning.

Dean and Axel, right before surgery. I was crying behind the camera.

1 comment:

  1. love the movin' and groovin' he is going to be such a cute teen at dances with girls!!!


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