Monday, May 16, 2011

And he's out!

They took Axel into the OR about 5 minutes ago. He was hillarious on the happy juice! Laughing so hard he could barely breath. LOL

The surgeon did decide, after watching Axels stretch armstrong impersonations that the halo is an absolute necessity so no more questions about that!

This is the very last picture of Axel's head without scars. We sure love our little spider monkey!


  1. Were getting ready to leave but I wanted to check in on Axel before I couldnt for awhile. How long is his surgery suppose to take?
    Praying. Praying. Prying.

  2. I am praying for your little spider monkey :)

  3. Praying!
    I bet it feels like a bit of a relief just to get the show on the road. He is too precious.

  4. Just got back from out of town and did a whole bunch of reading to catch up with you. Keeping Alex and you and fam in my prayers today. Especially for the surgeons that their hands will be guided. Sending much love you way.

  5. Ohhh, sweet boy. I hope everything goes smoothly for him and that he handles the halo well. I'll be looking forward to the updates today and over the next few days.

  6. Praying for all of you today, Leah... Just remember, you are doing the best (only) thing for your little man.... HUGS and PRAYERS for all of you!!

  7. Praying for you buddy, and your mom and dad to! You will be in our thoughts all day!


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