Sunday, April 10, 2011


 At school Axel uses an adaptive swing. It looks like a chair, with a back, etc. to prevent him from falling and injuring his neck (or becoming a quadraplegic...or dying...) But at home, Dean and I are willing to take a few more risks. Not much, mind you. But he does need a LITTLE bit of time to just be a kid! After all, in just a few weeks, that time will end for awhile.

So yesterday we went to my niece's basketball game, and stopped at the little playground right outside the building. No jungle gym for Axel (it was a high one) but maybe he could swing when we're right there with him? Dean manned the swing while I manned the camera.

If only you could have heard him laughing! The joy was unspeakable, and very much worth those few minutes of eagle-eye watching! I don't know for sure, but based on his reaction I think it was his first time on a regular swing!

After the game we took some pictures while we were waiting outside. Axel's "serious" face looks like a mad face. LOL I can assure you, he's just being serious and solving the world's problems behind those brown eyes!


  1. Are you sure that last one is not a calculating, wonder how quick mom will notice if I try to ____ kind of face? I see that one here a lot! Especially in the spring!

  2. So sweet. I love that boy. I love all of his expressions.

    Hi Axel!

  3. Great shots! How's his mouth since the surgery?

  4. Axel has a tremendous smile. But I gotta say, I love that serious face.

  5. He's just too darn cute! LOL! This Grandma could just pinch those cheeks and kiss that face!! (((HUGS)))

  6. That is just priceless!! I am so happy you caught all that joy on camera - he is simply adorable. - Maureen

  7. Gosh Leah, he is just so darn cute!

  8. Leah - I absolutely LOVE his facial expressions. They are as varied as the day is long... And he's cute, too!! Great pictures!

  9. Such a beautiful boy, and I see the same inquisitive, world-changing look in those eyes that is in his big sister's eyes! You are a blessed Mama!

  10. He is so cute! I love all of the pictures, where you are able to see his different expressions and temperaments (snicker). I will be praying for him on the 16th, even more so than normal. :)


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