Friday, April 01, 2011

Destination Revealed!

For the past couple of months I've been hinting at an upcoming trip. I've posted pictures like these:

What in the world do they mean?

A couple of months ago it was made clear to me that I need to go back to Serbia. I am not done there. And as I opened my mind to what God was showing me, things started happening. First, my good friend Kaci, who also wanted to return to Serbia, wandered into some God orchestrated connections. (and really, they just keep happening!)

Watch this video:

Airline Ambassadors has been in the process of starting a program in Serbia, and they invited Kaci and I to help them get it going. In fact, they handed Kaci the position of Serbia Program Coordinator.

I knew right away that Airline Ambassadors was meant to connect with Cherish Our Children International (COCI). Once that connection was made, everything snowballed!

On April 30th myself, Kaci, and a team of eight other people will be boarding another plane for Belgrade, Serbia. From there will will travel to Kostanjica in the Republic of Srbska, where COCI has established a school for special needs children. Kaci and I will support the medical team while they conduct a clinic to do medical screenings for approximately 300 children from the region. We will also be meeting with several dignitaries to discuss issues related to orphan care.

But that's not all! This is just the first of FOUR trips planned for the next year, and God is going to do some great works through them!

This is where the 300 toothbrushes come in. We still need them! Someone asked me the other day if I've met the goal yet. Sadly, are no toothbrushes coming in. If you have ordered toothbrushes, please drop me a note at deanleah at to let me know.

We're also still looking for a couple of medical professionals. We really need and AUDIOLOGIST and a SPEECH PATHOLOGIST. (yes, earlier I had different professions listed. Go with me here.)

If you are interested in donating toothbrushes, are or know of medical professionals who would like to join us, please drop me a note at deanleah If you could help me spread the word by posting this to your facebook or twitter accounts, that would really help!

Also, my friend Kaci has an awesome post explaining more of the details of our trip. Please visit her blog!


  1. Leah, I got a bunch of toothbrushes from my ortho when someone I knew was going on a mission trip to Ukraine. I bet the orthodontists in town would help out. Also, I know an ENT who specializes in cleft repairs who has done missions trips in the me and I will give you his name.

  2. Have you talked to anyone at Operation Smile? Here is their website:
    Hope this helps. - Maureen

  3. Also -
    - Maureen

  4. One box of toothbrushes coming your way! Please let me know when you get them - debliang at

  5. awesome--start packing!



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