Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1st Day of School!

Yesterday was a big day for Axel! His VERY FIRST day of school. Ever. In his entire life. At 10 years old Axel got to experience what every child in the U.S. has a right to. An education.

We're easing him in though. Yesterday I rode the bus to school with him, and we only stayed at school for a couple of hours. Today we're going in later (actually leaving in a few minutes) and will have lunch at school and stay for the afternoon, then I'll ride the bus home with him.

Tomorrow he is on his own.

This will only last a few weeks, until his surgery on May 16th. We wanted him to get a taste of school, understand the routine, etc. so in the fall when school starts up again, and he HAS to go by himself (because it'll be my first day back too)  it's not a 100% brand new experience.

I have SO much to say about Axel's school placement, both good and bad, but I just don't know where to start. Right now, for me, the bad is outweighing the good. It's not the district's fault, and it's not the fault of his new teacher. It is the fact that Axel poses some very unique challenges to the classroom. Being non-verbal, AND learning to understand English, PLUS learning to sign, and NEVER having attended school before. Well. That is just a lot of stuff going on.

I'll post more about this later, but for now I'll leave you with some pictures.

Waiting for the bus.

As we were waiting for the bus, I don't think he really understood what was happening. Why were we standing at the end of the driveway? In the COLD? Finally I heard the bus and said, "Axel...what's that? Do you hear that??? Oh, it's the BUS!! For YOU!! Oh how his eyes lit up, and he hopped up and down the way he does when he's demanding something happen NOW! "Hey bus, stop HERE!!!!" As the bus pulled up his driver was waving to him, giving him thumbs up, etc. 

The driver and aid were very nice, and patient with him as we put his harness on. (he'll be in a 5 point on the bus, for everyones safety. ;-) During the ride I lost count how many times the driver asked him, "How ya doing Axel buddy?" And gave him a thumbs up in the mirror. 

Riding the bus. He loved it. He'll love it more when I'm not with him and he can be a turkey!


  1. So exciting! I can't wait to hear how the day went.

  2. So amazing! Way to go Axel!

    Be blessed.

  3. loved the video. So sweet. Wishing you all the best. oxo


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