Saturday, January 08, 2011

Words that bring tears

Today Axel is determined to talk. He's saying, "Hi", "Bye", "No", "Don't", "Stop", "Uh oh" and "Down" (telling the dogs to lie down. And, this list is indicative of a lot of things! ROFL) This is FANTASTIC considering his level of hearing loss! His communication using sign is nothing less than amazing. I've lost count how many signs he recognizes now. We're well over 70. He's using around 50 on his own, but has met a developmental milestone. When he has something to say (usually a want or need) but he doesn't have a sign, he either makes one up, or picks whatever sign he can think of at the moment. Often its the sign for "Play", or "wrong/mistake" (mistake and wrong are the same sign.

Here's a video of him trying to get the dogs to "down". You'd think since he hears his name 5 million times a day, he'd be saying that. Poor kid! LOL As I sat here listening to him, and see how hard he was trying to say the words, I got tears in my eyes. I can't wait until he can get his hearing aids!


  1. LOVE Axel!! What a smart, smart boy!!

  2. so cute! I'll bet if the Serbians could see all that you've accomplished with Axel in such a short time, they'd want him back!!!

  3. Ah, Leah, he is just a breathtaking little boy. I love him! He is in THE place that he needs to be. So glad he has you. God is so very great.

  4. Giggling at Kathie's comment. :-) Wow, amazing to be overcoming so many things in such a small period of time, not the least of which is a total language barrier!! He is one smart and determined little boy...


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